Repository: Nature Precedings

Full Name: Nature Precedings
Short Name (or Acronym):
Description: Nature Precedings functioned as a permanent, citable archive for pre-publication research and preliminary findings. It was a place for researchers to share documents, including presentations, posters, white papers, technical papers, supplementary findings, and non-peer-reviewed manuscripts.
Accepted Content Types: Papers, Conference and Workshop Papers, Reports and Working Papers, Preprints
Certificate or Labels:
Closure Date: Closed in april 2012
Disciplinary Scope: Biomedical sciences, chemistry, and earth sciences
Keywords: Nature, Life Sciences, Biology
Launch Date: 2007
Platform: Custom Nature software
Platform Languages: English
Record Count: Full text : 3 423
Repository Type: Disciplinary
Service Pricing: None
Status: Closed to Submission Only
Terms of Use: Yes
Last Update: 7/5/21
Accessibility of Conflict of Interest Procedures:
Business Model: For Profit
Funding: Internal financial support (Nature)
Countries: <a href="">United Kingdom</a>
Owner Full Name: Nature Publishing Group
Owner Short Name:
Owner URL:
Ownership Type: Publishing organisation (publisher)
Scientific Technical Committees: Yes : includes researchers.
User Committees:
Access to Content: Anyone may access full items free of charge
Access to Metadata: Anyone may access the metadata free of charge
Account Creation: Not necessary to access the content
Functional Description: No
Metadata Formats: No
Metadata Languages: English
Metadata Properties: Title, Author(s), Abstract,Affilation, References, Keywords
Method for Reuse of Metadata:
Open Source: No
Permission for Re-use of Metadata:
Persistence of Content:
Preservation Policy: The content is kept by Nature to be visible
Function Service Details
Commenting/Annotation Local function Yes : Informal peer review was available through a commenting system on the Nature Precedings website
Indexing/Search Local function Yes : Scopus
Indexing/Search Scopus
Metrics Local function Accesses and Citations are visible to everyone
Metrics Altmetric
Peer Review Local function Yes : As the preprints can be posted in the organisation's journals, the peer review is done by the platform
Text Mining Local function Yes
Academic Applicant Only?: Yes
Accepted Content Formats: PDF
Accepted Content Languages: English
Accepted Content Level: Research only
Accepted Supplementary Content:
Associated Editor: Springer Nature
Associated Journal: Nature Portfolio
Author PID:
Availability of Associated Content:
Journal Submission: Nature Portfolio
Licensing: It can be used under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, versions 2.5 or 3.0
Mechanisms to Report Concerns About Content:
Mechanisms to Report Concerns About Plagiarism: No
Moderation: Beforehand : relevance to the scope of the repository and quality of the research
Peer Review Status Indication: No
Persistent Identifier: DOI
Remaining Indrawn Item:
Text Embargo: No, only if the publisher imposes an embargo period
Time from Submission to Posting:
Versioning Policy:
Who can Deposit?:
Withdrawal Authorisation:
Withdrawal Policy: No.