Repository Business Model: For Profit

Repositories with this business model

Name Status Description
Advance (Sage preprint) Open Advance: a SAGE preprints community allows researchers within the fields of humanities and social sciences to post their work online and free of charge.
Authorea Open Authorea is the leading collaborative platform to read, write, and publish research.
Bepress Legal Repository Open The bepress Legal Repository offers working papers and pre-prints from scholars and professionals at top law schools around the world.
Cell Press Sneak peek Open Manuscript under review in Cell Press journals
F1000 Research Open An open access publishing platform supporting data deposition and sharing. Publish all your findings including null results, data notes and more. Engage with your reviewers openly and transparently. Accelerate the impact of your research.
JMIR Preprints Open A preprint server for pre-publication/pre-peer-review preprints intended for community review as well as ahead-of-print (accepted) manuscripts.
Nature Precedings Closed to Submission Only Nature Precedings functioned as a permanent, citable archive for pre-publication research and preliminary findings. It was a place for researchers to share documents, including presentations, posters, white papers, technical papers, supplementary findings, and non-peer-reviewed manuscripts.
PeerJ Preprints Closed to Submission Only Initially, developed as preprint server for PeerJ submissions
Preprints with The Lancet Open In 2018, the Lancet journals initiated a collaboration with the research sharing platform SSRN to offer authors a dedicated preprint area called Preprints with The Lancet. Preprints available here are not Lancet publications or necessarily under review with a Lancet journal.
Research Square Open Research Square lets you share your work early, gain feedback from the community, and start making changes to your manuscript prior to peer review in a journal.
ScienceOpen Open ScienceOpen is a discovery platform with interactive features for scholars to enhance their research in the open, make an impact, and receive credit for it. We provide context building services for publishers, to bring researchers closer to the content than ever before.
SSRN Open SSRN is devoted to the rapid worldwide dissemination of research and is composed of a number of specialized research networks.
Therapoid Open Therapoid is a scientist-driven platform that accelerates collaboration for therapeutic discover, development and delivery.