Repository: F1000 Research

Full Name: F1000 Research
Short Name (or Acronym): F1000
Description: An open access publishing platform supporting data deposition and sharing. Publish all your findings including null results, data notes and more. Engage with your reviewers openly and transparently. Accelerate the impact of your research.
Accepted Content Types: Journal Articles, Faculty reviews; Data Set, Posters, Slides, Preprints
Certificate or Labels:
Closure Date:
Contact: Emails available on this page
Disciplinary Scope: Life Sciences
Keywords: Life Sciences, Repository, Peer Review, clinical research
Launch Date: 2012
Platform: Custom F1000 software
Platform Languages: English
Record Count: Full text : 4 144
Repository Type: Disciplinary
Service Pricing: Only for author(s) : The cost of publishing an article is US$1,350 (Dec 2020), less for a shorter contribution (min $150; max $2000 US)
Status: Open
Terms of Use: Yes
Last Update: 6/4/21
Accessibility of Conflict of Interest Procedures:
Business Model: For Profit
Funding: Internal funding
Objectives: "Our vision is to create a world where scientific discoveries are shared quickly, openly and without barriers."
Countries: <a href="">United Kingdom</a>
Owner Full Name: F1000 Research Ltd
Owner Short Name: F1000
Owner URL:
Ownership Type: Publishing organisation (publisher)
Scientific Technical Committees: Yes : includes researchers. F1000Research has an Advisory Board comprising a large group of leading subject experts; they provide strategic input, advise occasionally on issues arising with specific articles, and some members of the board also act as invited reviewers..
User Committees:
Access to Content: Anyone may access full items free of charge
Access to Metadata: Anyone may access the metadata free of charge
Account Creation: Only needed for submission
Functional Description: No
Interoperability: Yes via API
Metadata Formats: No
Metadata Languages: English
Metadata Properties: Title, Identifier (e.g. DOI), Publication/deposition date, Author name(s), Abstract, Author affiliation(s), Funder acknowledgement(s), Subject category, Full-text content, Institution, Competing interests, Article is a Faculty Review (yes/no), Referee (name, affiliation, report), Commenter (name, affiliation, comment text), Study type, Article type
Method for Reuse of Metadata: Openly available via API
Open Source: No
Permission for Re-use of Metadata: None
Persistence of Content: Preprints permanently archived in Portico
Preservation Policy:
Function Service Details
Bibliographic References Management Local function Yes : Mendeley, Sciwheel, EndNote, Ref. Manager, Bibtex, ProCite, Sente
Commenting/Annotation Local function Yes : Commenting (including annotation plug-ins)
Endorsement Local function Yes : Via Peer Review Process of the website
Indexing/Search Local function Yes : Google Scholar, Europe PMC, SHARE, SciLit, Prepubmed
Indexing/Search Google Scholar
Indexing/Search Europe PMC
Indexing/Search SHARE
Indexing/Search Scilit
Indexing/Search Prepubmed
Metrics Local function Downloads, Views and Google Scholars Citations are visible to everyone
Metrics Altmetric
Peer Review Local function Yes : Articles are published first and peer reviewed after publication by invited referees. The peer reviewer's names and comments are visible on the site.
Revision and Follow-up Local function Yes : On the website we can follow the worflow of the review of the article
Text Mining Local function Yes
Writing/Formatting Overleaf
Academic Applicant Only?: No
Accepted Content Formats: Word doc, RTF, LaTeX via Overleaf only
Accepted Content Languages: English
Accepted Content Level: Research and Clinical trials. Any scholarly content (including articles, posters and slides; primary and secondary research)
Accepted Supplementary Content: Data Set must be associated with the article. No information if DOI are linked
Associated Editor: F1000 Research
Associated Journal: Taylor & Francis
Availability of Associated Content: All methodological details and relevant data are made available to allow others to replicate the study, and that the manuscript adheres to appropriate reporting guidelines and community standards. For more information about data policies :
Journal Submission: Restricted - manuscript can only be published in journal linked to server
Licensing: Authors must use CC BY license
Mechanisms to Report Concerns About Content: Email administrator
Mechanisms to Report Concerns About Plagiarism: Email administrator
Moderation: Beforehand : Data is available (if applicable), Code is available (if applicable), Text overlap detection, Misconduct or integrity checks, All authors notified, Authors meet criteria and Originality.
Peer Review Status Indication: Yes
Persistent Identifier: DOI, each version receives its own DOI and own non-DOI citable identifier
Remaining Indrawn Item: Basic information remains on a tombstone page
Text Embargo: No, only if the publisher imposes an embargo period
Time from Submission to Posting: Up to 1 week
Versioning Policy: Accepts new version. All version are available for readers.
Who can Deposit?: Anyone can post on the platform. Only an account is required ( The creation of the account is free).
Withdrawal Authorisation: Platform
Withdrawal Policy: Yes. Honest errors reported by the authors (for example, errors due to the mixing up of samples or use of a scientific tool or equipment that is found subsequently to be faulty), research misconduct (data fabrication), duplicate or overlapping publication, fraudulent use of data, clear plagiarism, unethical research