Repository: Authorea

Full Name: Authorea
Short Name (or Acronym):
Description: Authorea is the leading collaborative platform to read, write, and publish research.
Accepted Content Types: Articles, data sets, code, figures, tables, slides, micropublications, and Jupyter Notebooks, Preprints
Certificate or Labels:
Closure Date:
Contact: [email protected]
Disciplinary Scope: All scientific fields
Keywords: Collaborative, multidisciplinary
Launch Date: 9/1/17
Platform: Custom Authorea software, Proprietary software with some open source components
Platform Languages: English
Record Count: Full text : 15241
Repository Type: Multidisciplinary
Service Pricing: Authorea is free to use. You can upgrade for additional private documents and Premium features
Status: Open
Terms of Use: Yes
Last Update: 6/29/21
Accessibility of Conflict of Interest Procedures:
Business Model: For Profit
Funding: Other business model not based on direct preprinting charges or associated journal (acquisition and investment from Atypon, part of Wiley)
Objectives: "We founded Authorea in late 2012 with the mission of accelerating scientific discovery. We were frustrated that other writing tools didn't fully understand the needs of researchers -- especially researchers in a web-first world -- and we wondered why the internet age hadn't yet delivered a modern toolset for scientific collaboration."
Countries: <a href="">United States</a>
Owner Full Name: Atypon (part of Wiley)
Owner Short Name:
Owner URL:
Ownership Type: Publishing organisation (publisher)
Scientific Technical Committees: No
User Committees: No
Access to Content: Anyone may access full items free of charge
Access to Metadata: Yes via JATSXML, available programmatically or manually (under Download button at top of document)
Account Creation: Free, Only needed for submission
Backups: No : You are solely responsible for creating and maintaining your own backup copies of your User Content if you desire
Functional Description: Yes via support pages (Q&A)
Interoperability: Yes via JATSXML
Metadata Formats: No
Metadata Languages: English
Metadata Properties: Title, Identifier (e.g. DOI), Publication/deposition date, Author name(s), Abstract, Author affiliation(s), Subject category, Full-text content, keywords
Method for Reuse of Metadata: Free
Open Source: No
Permission for Re-use of Metadata: Never asked
Persistence of Content: Yes : Preprints permanently archived in Portico
Preservation Policy:
Function Service Details
Commenting/Annotation Local function Yes : Comments. Discuss your preprints with your collaborators and the scientific community
Indexing/Search Local function Yes : SciLit, Crossref, Google Scholar
Indexing/Search Google Scholar
Indexing/Search Scilit
Indexing/Search Crossref
Metrics Local function Views, Downloads, Social media interactions (from individual platforms not Altmetric) visible to everyone
Peer Review Local function None
Revision and Follow-up Local function Yes : Under Review Process
Text Mining Local function Yes, consent to allow text and data mining of Your Content
Writing/Formatting Local function Yes : Upload, edit, add collaborators, review, and publish. Collect comments and feedback on all your research outputs. “Google Docs for Scientists

Can also use Online LaTeX editor. For longer text (Master Theses and Ph.D. Dissertations) use
Academic Applicant Only?: No
Accepted Content Formats: PDF, Word doc, LaTex, HTML
Accepted Content Languages: Any Languages
Accepted Content Level: Academic / Research but also open to educators
Accepted Supplementary Content: Not just PDFs. You can publish d3.js and graphs, data, code, Jupyter notebooks. Every Authorea document is a Git repository that can host data, source code and any other related supplemental material
Associated Editor: None at the moment
Associated Journal: Select Wiley journals:
Availability of Associated Content: Each Authorea document has a file repository to link data to specific tables and figures.
Journal Submission: Unrestricted but you can directly publish to this list :
Licensing: All preprints posted on Authorea through the Under Review service are assigned a non-exclusive license by default. For more infirmations ;
Mechanisms to Report Concerns About Content: Authorea reserves the right to identify and remove any articles that contain plagiarized or infringing material. Please contact [email protected] if you have a concern
Mechanisms to Report Concerns About Plagiarism: Authorea reserves the right to identify and remove any articles that contain plagiarized or infringing material. Please contact [email protected] if you have a concern
Peer Review Status Indication: Yes
Persistent Identifier: DOI
Remaining Indrawn Item: All data concerning the admission journal must be deleted in case the document isn't accepted. Otherwise, all the document remains available
Text Embargo: No. Authorea does not embargo research that has been made publicly available as a preprint.
Time from Submission to Posting: Between 48h and 72h
Versioning Policy: Versioned DOIs to link preprint all together. For more informations :
Who can Deposit?: Anyone can post on the platform. Only an account is required ( The creation of the account is free).
Withdrawal Authorisation: No one
Withdrawal Policy: Yes. Once a preprint is posted on Authorea, it becomes a part of the permanent, citable scholarly literature and cannot be removed. We have the right at our sole discretion to remove any content that, in our judgment, does not comply with the foregoing or is otherwise harmful, objectionable, or inaccurate. We are not responsible for any failure or delay in removing such content.