Repository: LSE Research Online

Full Name: LSE Research Online
Short Name (or Acronym): LSERO
Description: Welcome to LSE Research Online, the institutional repository for the London School of Economics and Political Science.
Accepted Content Types: Journal articles, Working Papers, Datasets, Books, Book Chapters, Conference items, Multimedia, Posters, Newspaper Articles, Website items, Research Blogs
Certificate or Labels:
Closure Date:
Contact: [email protected]
Disciplinary Scope: Accounting, Finance, Anthropology, Economic History, Economics, Gender, Geography & Environment, Health Policy, International Development, International History, International Relations, Law, Management, Mathematics, Media & Communications, Methodology, Philosophy, Logic, Psychological & Behavioural Science, Social Policy, Social Psychology, Sociology, Statistics, Government, Political Science
Keywords: London School of Economics, LSERO, institutional repository, LSE Library, social science, SHAPE, open access
Launch Date: 2004
Platform: Eprints
Platform Languages: English
Record Count: Total: 82 769 Full text: 45 304
Repository Type: Institutional
Service Pricing: None
Status: Open
Terms of Use: Yes,
Last Update: 9/25/22
Accessibility of Conflict of Interest Procedures:
Business Model: Non Profit
Funding: Internal funding
Objectives: LSE Research Online aims to be a complete database of research produced by LSE Staff. Our mission is to: - include citations to the work of all LSE academic and support staff - provide Open Access to full text research where permitted by publishers and copyright law - provide stable links to published items and items not held by LSE Research Online - be a reliable source of information on LSE research for all audiences - preserve research for posterity - openly share its information with internal and external services
Countries: <a href="">United Kingdom</a>
Owner Full Name: The British Library of Political and Economic Science
Owner Short Name: LSE
Owner URL:
Ownership Type: Academic institution
Scientific Technical Committees:
User Committees: Yes : Library staff managing the repository are information professionals with experience of working with researchers and of creating high quality catalogue and index records.
Access to Content: Open access and free of charge, "request a copy" service for items embargoed according to publisher policies.
Access to Metadata: Anyone may access the metadata free of charge
Account Creation: No account required for accessing material. LSE Library staff have administrator accounts for creating records/adding content
Backups: Yes - Eprints is hosted on a virtual server. We backup database and eprint items (pdfs etc..). We have a primary and backup database that is in sync and we backup the backup database nightly using standard mysqlbackup to a gzipped mysql file. We have a 2nd eprints server which we sync data (using cron and rsync)from the primary server hourly during work hours – IIRC the primary server is backed up nightly using vmware backup tools. Our configuration is hosted in a git repository and this is also backed up nightly with standard gitlab backups.
Functional Description:
Interoperability: OAI-PMH, API, RSS feeds, Open metadata formats - BibTex, XML, json
Metadata Formats: List of formats is available here
Metadata Languages: English
Metadata Properties: Title, Abstract, Item type, Official URL, Additional Information, Divisions, Subjects, Date Deposited and modified, URI, ORCID, DOI, ISSN, ISBN, Journal Title, Publisher, author keywords, JEL codes, Library of Congress Subject Headings
Method for Reuse of Metadata: Fully open and availalable to reuse
Open Source:
Permission for Re-use of Metadata: The OAI Identifier and/or a link to the original metadata must be given. And for commercial reuse : Requires Formal Permission
Persistence of Content: N/A
Preservation Policy: No
Function Service Details
Indexing/Search Local function Yes : Google Scholar And CORE -
Indexing/Search Google Scholar
Indexing/Search CORE
Metrics Local function Downloads are visible to everyone
Metrics Altmetric
Metrics Local function
Text Mining Local function Yes. Not explicitly mentioned but allowable under the terms and conditions of use
Academic Applicant Only?: Yes
Accepted Content Formats: PDF
Accepted Content Languages: English predominantly, though content in other languages will be accepted if published by LSE staff/students
Accepted Content Level: Research from LSE affiliated staff and students
Accepted Supplementary Content: Datasets (though we would encourage deposit in specialist data repositories instead), supplementary material (e.g. appendices images, videos and slides
Associated Editor: No
Associated Journal: No
Availability of Associated Content: No
Journal Submission: Unrestricted
Licensing: By depositing your work in LSE Research Online, you (the author(s), copyright owner or assignee), grant a non-exclusive licence to the LSE on behalf of the British Library of Political and Economic Science for the duration of applicable copyright Full text publications are covered by copyright law and the licence applied is based on publisher requirements from Sherpa Romeo
Mechanisms to Report Concerns About Content: Email administrator
Mechanisms to Report Concerns About Plagiarism: Email administrator
Moderation: We manually check papers before upload
Peer Review Status Indication: Yes
Persistent Identifier: DOI and URL
Remaining Indrawn Item: Permanently withdrawn
Text Embargo: No, only if the publisher imposes an embargo period
Time from Submission to Posting: Up to 5 working days
Versioning Policy: Accepts new version. Only one version is visble for readers, old version kept on file for posterity.
Who can Deposit?: Mediated deposit, staff can't create an account or deposit their own content. Content is added by the Library on behalf of LSE staff and students.
Withdrawal Authorisation: By the platform owner if asked by the author
Withdrawal Policy: Yes. If you are the author, rights holder or are authorised to act on behalf of the author/rights holder and you are concerned that you have found material available on LSE Research Online for which you have not given permission, you have the right to request its removal.