Repository: ESSOAr

Full Name: ESSOAr
Short Name (or Acronym): ESSOAr
Description: The Earth and Space Science Open Archive (ESSOAr) is a community server established to accelerate the open discovery and dissemination of earth, environmental, and space science research by archiving and sharing early research outputs, including preprints, presentations from major scientific meetings, and important documents of scholarly societies.
Accepted Content Types: Preprint and Scholarly content (including manuscripts, posters, presentations, and society materials like announcements and white papers)
Certificate or Labels:
Closure Date:
Contact: [email protected]
Disciplinary Scope: Earth, environmental, and space science
Keywords: Earth, Space, Archive
Launch Date:
Platform: Atypon/Literatum
Platform Languages: English
Record Count: Full text : 6,100
Repository Type: Disciplinary
Service Pricing: None
Status: Open
Terms of Use: Yes
Last Update: 7/1/21
Accessibility of Conflict of Interest Procedures:
Business Model: Non Profit
Funding: Financial and technical support is provided by AGU and Wiley.
Objectives: AGU has variety of networks designed to help you connect with scientists around the globe. Find a community that aligns with your scientific focus or interest.
Countries: <a href="">United States</a>
Owner Full Name: American Geophysical Union and Wiley
Owner Short Name: AGU
Owner URL:
Ownership Type: Scientific society and Publishing organisation (publisher)
Scientific Technical Committees: Yes : ESSOAr is governed by an Advisory Board made up of leaders of the participating international Earth, environmental, and space science societies. An up-to-date list is here:
User Committees: Yes : The Editorial Board is responsible for screening and approving submissions and helping set editorial policies.
Access to Content: Anyone may access full items free of charge
Access to Metadata: Anyone may access the metadata free of charge
Account Creation: Only needed for submission
Functional Description: Yes : Tutorial (Submission Guide)
Interoperability: Yes via API
Metadata Formats: No
Metadata Languages: English
Metadata Properties: Title, Identifier, Publication/deposition date, Author name(s), Author affiliation(s), Abstract, Relational link to final journal publication (e.g. in crossref metadata), Funder acknowledgement(s), License type(s), Subject category, ORCID, Keywords
Method for Reuse of Metadata: Openly available via Crossref
Open Source: No
Permission for Re-use of Metadata: None
Persistence of Content: Yes : On roadmap: preprints to be permanently archived in Portico
Preservation Policy:
Function Service Details
Bibliographic References Management Local function Yes : BibTex, RIS (ProCite, Reference Manager), EndNote, RefWorks
Commenting/Annotation Local function Commenting (including annotation plug-ins)
Endorsement Local function Yes, via Plaudit
Endorsement Plaudit
Indexing/Search Local function Yes : Google Scholar, SHARE, Crossref
Indexing/Search Google Scholar
Indexing/Search SHARE
Indexing/Search Crossref
Metrics Local function Downloads, View and Citations are visible to everyone
Metrics Altmetric
Peer Review Local function Authors may issue a revision at any time via the versioning system. Earlier versions are retained and are publicly available.
Text Mining Local function Yes
Academic Applicant Only?: No
Accepted Content Formats: PDF; Word and Latex are converted to PDF at upload
Accepted Content Languages: English
Accepted Content Level: Research or scholary content
Accepted Supplementary Content: Authors may include supplemental material (images, tables, etc.) that cannot be appended to their main PDF file and are a necessary part of the science presented in the preprint or poster. The following file formats are supported: .pdf files, image files (.jpg, .svg, .png, .gif), spreadsheets (.xlsx, .xls), text files (.csv, .tsv), and Jupyter notebooks.
Associated Editor:
Associated Journal: Most AGU journals and several Wiley and partner journals
Availability of Associated Content: There is a 2 MB limit for supplemental files: Large datasets, videos, code, etc. should be deposited in the appropriate community repository, and referenced as a Supplemental Link.
Journal Submission: Unrestricted
Licensing: Authors are provided with a choice of licenses: CC BY, CC BY-NC, CC BY-NC-ND, non-exclusive license; with no preference stated
Mechanisms to Report Concerns About Content: Email Administrator
Mechanisms to Report Concerns About Plagiarism: Submissions are checked for plagiarism before posting on the website
Moderation: Beforehand : Text overlap detection, Misconduct or integrity checks. Content that is viewed as not scholarly or scientific or not sufficiently substantive may not be accepted
Peer Review Status Indication: Yes
Persistent Identifier: DOI, each version receives its own DOI suffix (Each new version will retain the same DOI, but the version number (the final number at the end of the DOI) will increase, e.g .1, .2, .3 and so on.)
Remaining Indrawn Item:
Text Embargo: No, only if the publisher imposes an embargo period
Time from Submission to Posting: 2-4 business days
Versioning Policy: Accepts new versions until acceptance at journal; earlier versions are retained with prior DOIs and are publicly accessible
Who can Deposit?: Authors must register through ORCID before submitting.
Withdrawal Authorisation: Platform
Withdrawal Policy: Yes. Copyright infringement or other ethical or legal issues the Advisory Board deems critical. If violations are discovered after posting, the content will be retracted