Repository: EarthArXiv

Full Name: EarthArXiv
Short Name (or Acronym):
Description: EarthArXiv has officially agreed to partner with the California Digital Library (part of the University of California system) as our server host and submission platform using a system called Janeway (developed at Birkbeck, University of London).
Accepted Content Types: Multiple article types (including research manuscripts, review papers, case studies, technical notes, dataset description papers), Preprints
Certificate or Labels:
Closure Date:
Contact: [email protected]
Disciplinary Scope: Earth Science including geochemistry
Keywords: Earth Science, CDL, Janeway, Geology, Planetary Space Science
Launch Date: 10/23/17
Platform: Platform: Janeway Host: California Digital Library
Platform Languages: English
Record Count: Full text: 2 300
Repository Type: Disciplinary
Service Pricing: None
Status: Open
Terms of Use: Yes
Last Update: 6/29/21
Accessibility of Conflict of Interest Procedures:
Business Model: Non Profit
Funding: University of California
Objectives: Open up preprint opportunities for all of the Earth Sciences
Owner Full Name: California Digital Library controls the infrastructure, governance is conducted by a volunteer Advisory Council containing 15 members each having 2 year terms
Owner Short Name: CDL
Owner URL:
Ownership Type: Public
Scientific Technical Committees: Yes : The commitee include researchers. This commitee will serve a 2-year term
User Committees: Open Loomio Community for all interested public volunteers to provide ideas and feedback.
Access to Content: Anyone may access full items free of charge
Access to Metadata: Anyone may access the metadata free of charge
Account Creation: Only needed for submission
Functional Description: No
Interoperability: Yes via API
Metadata Formats: No
Metadata Languages: English
Metadata Properties: Title, Identifier (e.g. DOI), Publication/deposition date, Author name(s), Abstract, License type(s), Subject category
Method for Reuse of Metadata: Openly available via API
Open Source: Yes
Permission for Re-use of Metadata:
Persistence of Content: Yes: content is preserved in the University of California's Merritt repository <>
Preservation Policy: Yes
Function Service Details
Commenting/Annotation Local function Yes: Commenting
Indexing/Search Local function Yes : Google Scholar
Indexing/Search Google Scholar
Metrics Local function Downloads are visible to everyone
Academic Applicant Only?: Yes
Accepted Content Formats: PDF
Accepted Content Languages: English
Accepted Content Level: Research only
Accepted Supplementary Content: URLs to associated files
Associated Editor: No
Associated Journal: No
Availability of Associated Content: EarthArXiv encourages authors to use free hosting sites such as GitHub, Zenodo, FigShare, and others.
Journal Submission: Unrestricted
Licensing: Authors are provided with a choice of licenses: CC BY Attribution 4.0 International, CC0 1.0 Universal
Mechanisms to Report Concerns About Content: Email administrator
Mechanisms to Report Concerns About Plagiarism: Email administrator
Moderation: Beforehand : Content within scope, Text overlap detection, Manuscript is complete (methods, references)
Peer Review Status Indication: Yes
Persistent Identifier: DOI, single DOI retained for all versions
Remaining Indrawn Item: Basic information remains on a tombstone page
Text Embargo: No, only if the publisher imposes an embargo period
Time from Submission to Posting: Up to 1 week
Versioning Policy: Accepts new version (replace the older)
Who can Deposit?: Anyone can post on the platform. Only an account is required ( The creation of the account is free).
Withdrawal Authorisation: Platform
Withdrawal Policy: Yes. Plagiarism, ethical and legal issues