Repository: E-lis

Full Name: E-lis
Short Name (or Acronym): E-LIS
Description: Established in 2003, e-LIS is an international digital repository for Library and Information Science (LIS), including Communication.
Accepted Content Types: Journal Articles, Bibliographic References, Conference and Workshop Papers, Theses and Dissertations, Reports and Working Papers, Books, Chapters and Sections, Datasets, Learning Objects, Preprints
Certificate or Labels:
Closure Date:
Contact: [email protected]
Disciplinary Scope: Library and Information Science (including Communication)
Keywords: Library, Information Science, LIS, Communication
Launch Date: Jan-03
Platform: Eprints
Platform Languages: English
Record Count: Full text : 23 091
Repository Type: Disciplinary
Service Pricing: None
Status: Open
Terms of Use: Yes
Last Update: 7/5/21
Accessibility of Conflict of Interest Procedures:
Business Model: Non Profit
Funding: E-LIS has received small funds from the Spanish Ministry of Education, but there is no regular funding of any kind from any institution or state.
Objectives: The objectives of E-LIS are: to improve knowledge of the building and management of open archives working practically in the field within the framework of Open Digital Libraries; not only to promote open archives in various disciplinary environments, but also to create a valid and credible model in the Library and Information Science discipline for the building of a global LIS archive; to establish a base for communal work between librarians information technology professionals, and to enhance the Open Access movement
Countries: <a href="">Italy</a>
Owner Full Name: E-LIS Governance
Owner Short Name:
Owner URL:
Ownership Type: Team of volunteer editors
Scientific Technical Committees: Yes : 3 people manage the Administrative Board supported by a restrict Executive Board with specific competencies and a editorial board composed by 73 librarians and information scientists from 47 countries and support for 22 languages.
User Committees: Yes : 3 people manage the Administrative Board supported by a restrict Executive Board with specific competencies and a editorial board composed by 73 librarians and information scientists from 47 countries and support 22 languages
Access to Content: Anyone may access full items free of charge
Access to Metadata: Anyone may access the metadata free of charge
Account Creation: Only needed for submission
Functional Description: Yes : help tab
Interoperability: Yes via API
Metadata Formats: Yes : Formats are available on this page
Metadata Languages: English abstract always present in addition to the language of the paper
Metadata Properties: Title, Author(s), Abstract, Item type, Keywords, Subjects, Depositing user, Date deposited, Last modified, URI
Method for Reuse of Metadata: Openly available on article page and via API
Open Source: Yes
Permission for Re-use of Metadata: None
Persistence of Content:
Preservation Policy:
Function Service Details
Indexing/Search Local function Yes. Google
Metrics Local function Downloads per month over past year are available to everyone
Academic Applicant Only?: No
Accepted Content Formats: PDF, HTML, doc, ppt, xls, txt (but PDF and HTML are preferred)
Accepted Content Languages: Any language - abstracts and keywords must be included in English
Accepted Content Level: Research or scholary content
Accepted Supplementary Content: Dataset are associated by link to Zenodo (E-LIS Community)
Associated Editor: No
Associated Journal: No
Author PID: No. But we can use a field inside author metadata with ORCID
Availability of Associated Content: Dataset are associated by link to Zenodo (E-LIS Community
Journal Submission: Unrestricted
Licensing: When you submit a preprint to an e-prints server, you retain copyright. Texts that an author has himself written are his own intellectual property.
Mechanisms to Report Concerns About Content:
Mechanisms to Report Concerns About Plagiarism: No
Moderation: The eligibility of authors/depositors, valid layout and format, metadata quality of the document and is allowed to make changes if the metadata are incorrect.
Peer Review Status Indication: No
Persistent Identifier: URI
Remaining Indrawn Item: Bibliopraphic metatada remaining in the server with document but inside in the dark side of repository
Text Embargo: No, only if the publisher imposes an embargo period
Time from Submission to Posting: 2 business days
Versioning Policy: Accepts new version. All version are archieved
Who can Deposit?: Anyone can post on the platform. Only an account is required ( The creation of the account is free).
Withdrawal Authorisation: Admin Board consider the case.
Withdrawal Policy: Yes, with conditions. Although the intent of the Archive is to preserve and globally share peer-reviewed research material created by LIS researchers. Removal of material disrupts this intent. The software does not allow authors to remove papers automatically. However, a request for removal would be considered case per case.