Repository: Dspace @ MIT

Full Name: Dspace @ MIT
Short Name (or Acronym):
Description: DSpace@MIT is a digital repository for MIT's research, including peer-reviewed articles, technical reports, working papers, theses, and more.
Accepted Content Types: Journal articles, theses and Dissertations, Reports and Working Papers, Learning Objects, Preprints, some data
Certificate or Labels:
Closure Date:
Contact: [email protected]
Disciplinary Scope: All MIT research disciplines
Keywords: MIT, Repository, long-term storage
Launch Date: 2002
Platform: Dspace
Platform Languages: English
Record Count: Full text : 115 333
Repository Type: Institutional multidisciplinary
Service Pricing: None
Status: Open
Terms of Use: Yes
Last Update: 7/13/21
Accessibility of Conflict of Interest Procedures:
Business Model: Non Profit
Funding: Internal funding
Objectives: Our vision? A world where more people have access to knowledge and more voices are heard. Where tools and solutions can be networked, shared, and “hacked.” Where knowledge not only provides answers, but empowers and inspires. We think libraries can help build this world.
Countries: <a href="">United States</a>
Owner Full Name: Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Owner Short Name: MIT
Owner URL:
Ownership Type: Academic institution
Scientific Technical Committees:
User Committees: No
Access to Content: Anyone may access full items free of charge
Access to Metadata: Anyone may access the metadata free of charge
Account Creation: Free, only for MIT student, scientists or institutes linked to MIT
Functional Description: Yes via Q&A, see :
Interoperability: API
Metadata Formats: Yes, Dublin Core is available
Metadata Languages: English
Metadata Properties: Title, Authors, Journal, URI, Abstract, Sponsorship, Rights, Type, Citation, Department, Status
Method for Reuse of Metadata: Free, via UI and API
Open Source: Yes
Permission for Re-use of Metadata: None
Persistence of Content: Yes : Maintain by Dspace
Preservation Policy:
Function Service Details
Indexing/Search Local function Yes : Google Scholar
Indexing/Search Google Scholar
Metrics Local function Downloads (by month and all time usage), Views, (by month and all time usage), Top Countries views and dowloads. Accessible with graphs. Those are visible to everyone
Text Mining Local function Yes
Academic Applicant Only?: No
Accepted Content Formats: marc, mrc, ma, doc, pdf, ps, eps, ai, sgm, sgml, xls, ppt, mpp, mpx, mpd, vsd, dvi, fm, latex, psd, pdd, tex, aiff, aif, aifc, au, snd, mpa, abs, mpeg, ra, ram, wav, gif, jpeg, jpg, png, tiff, tif, bmp, pcd, html, htm, txt, rtf, xml, mpeg, mpg, mpe, mv, qt, sas, SAS, SPSS, Stata, R, csv, tab
Accepted Content Languages: Any language
Accepted Content Level: Academic / Research but also open to educators
Accepted Supplementary Content: We accept all file formats and most forms of research output, limited mainly by file size, rather than by type of content. Through preprint metadata, we can links to associated content that is stored either in another DSpace collection or in an external system.
Associated Editor: No
Associated Journal: No
Availability of Associated Content: MIT provides help to supports data management
Journal Submission: Unrestricted
Licensing: All content considered in copyright of the authors with all rights reserved, unless otherwise stated in the item metadata. Various versions of Creative Commons licenses are common.
Mechanisms to Report Concerns About Content: Email administrator
Mechanisms to Report Concerns About Plagiarism: Email administrator
Moderation: Beforehand or None depending on the collection
Peer Review Status Indication: For items in the Open Access Articles collection, we post the manuscript version with a defintion of those version that indicates which ones are peer reviewed and which ones aren't. Most of the content in that collection is peer reviewed. Other collections typically don't notify users of the peer-review status.
Persistent Identifier: URI : Handle System
Remaining Indrawn Item: URLs will continue to point to 'tombstone' citations. URLs will contain a note explaining the reasons for withdrawal
Text Embargo: No, only if the publisher imposes an embargo period
Time from Submission to Posting: Varies widely
Versioning Policy: About to deploy new functionality to allow versioning of an item, which will replace the older version in the search index, but provide a version history with links to the all versions of the metadata and files
Who can Deposit?: The work must be produced, submitted or sponsored by MIT faculty.
Withdrawal Authorisation: Author or platform
Withdrawal Policy: Yes. Items may be removed at the request of the author/copyright holder