URL: | https://www.beilstein-archives.org/xiv/ |
Full Name: | Beilstein Archive |
Short Name (or Acronym): | |
Description: | The Beilstein Archives is currently limited to publishing preprints of unpublished research results in the fields of organic chemistry and nanotechnology. At this time, we are only publishing preprints that are intended for publication in one of the Beilstein Journals |
Accepted Content Types: | Journal articles, Preprints |
Certificate or Labels: | |
Closure Date: | |
Contact: | beilstein-archives@beilstein-institut.de |
Disciplinary Scope: | Organic Chemistry and nanotechnology |
Keywords: | Chemistry, Nanotechnology |
Launch Date: | 2019 |
OpenDOAR ID: | |
Platform: | Custom Beilstein Framework |
Platform Languages: | English |
Record Count: | Full text : 350 |
Repository Type: | Disciplinary |
Service Pricing: | None |
Status: | Open |
Terms of Use: | Yes |
Last Update: | 9/25/22 |
Accessibility of Conflict of Interest Procedures: | |
Business Model: | Non Profit |
Funding: | Internal funding |
Objectives: | To support the rapid and reliable dissimination of research. |
Countries: | <a href="https://doapr.coar-repositories.org/countries/germany/">Germany</a> |
Owner Full Name: | Beilstein-Institut zur Förderung der Chemischen Wissenschaften |
Owner Short Name: | Beilstein-Institut |
Owner URL: | https://www.beilstein-institut.de/en/ |
Ownership Type: | Foundation |
Scientific Technical Committees: | Yes : The Advisory Board of the Beilstein Archives includes scientists who are knowledgeable in the subject areas outlined in the scope.. |
User Committees: | Yes : The Advisory Board of the Beilstein Archives includes leaders in scholarly communication |
Access to Content: | Anyone may access full items free of charge |
Access to Metadata: | Metadata delivered to Crossref upon registration. |
Account Creation: | Only needed for submission |
Backups: | Backups twice daily on two servers hosted by the Beilstein-Institut |
Functional Description: | No |
Interoperability: | |
Metadata Formats: | Dublin Core and Crossref compliant |
Metadata Languages: | English |
Metadata Properties: | Title, Author(s), Author(s) PID, Author(s) Affiliation, Posted Date, Abstract, License information, is-preprint-of (updated with Crossref upon publication of peer-reviewed article), etc. See example: https://api.crossref.org/v1/works/10.3762/bxiv.2020.78.v1 |
Method for Reuse of Metadata: | Free via Crossref |
Open Source: | Yes |
Permission for Re-use of Metadata: | |
Persistence of Content: | Preprints permanently archived in Portico |
Preservation Policy: | The repository will try to ensure continued readability and accessibility. Items will be migrated to new file formats where necessary |
Functions: |
Academic Applicant Only?: | Yes |
Accepted Content Formats: | Word Doc, LaTeX |
Accepted Content Languages: | English |
Accepted Content Level: | Research only |
Accepted Supplementary Content: | The author may include images and text in the main manuscript and also reference data sets in the References. All other additional information may be published as supporting information (code, data sets, movies, spectra, images, etc.). The supporting information has the same DOI as the main text. |
Associated Editor: | Yes. Managing Editor |
Associated Journal: | Beilstein Journals |
Author PID: | ORCID |
Availability of Associated Content: | The authors are highly encouraged to include any supporting files and data sets that would enable reproducibility of the work. They may deposit this on any platform of their choice or include this as supporting information to the main text. |
Journal Submission: | To publish a preprint you must first submit to one of the Beilstein Journals. If your article is eventually rejected, you may submit your preprint to any other journal. |
Licensing: | CC BY, copyright Author(s) |
Mechanisms to Report Concerns About Content: | Email Managing Editor |
Mechanisms to Report Concerns About Plagiarism: | Email Managing Editor |
Moderation: | Beforehand : offensive and/or non-scientific content are screened. The Beilstein Journals Editorial Office also checks for plagiarism, scope and scientifically unreliable content. The Beilstein Archives reserves the right to correct technical errors in the document before publication. |
Peer Review Status Indication: | Yes |
Persistent Identifier: | DOI; one per version |
Remaining Indrawn Item: | Withdrawn items are deleted entirely from the database |
Text Embargo: | No, only if the publisher imposes an embargo period |
Time from Submission to Posting: | Average: 2 days; Maximum: 3 days |
Versioning Policy: | If necessary, an updated version may be deposited. There will be links between earlier and later versions, with the most recent version clearly identified |
Who can Deposit?: | The submitting author must create a simple account in the Beilstein Publishing System to subit and provide a verified ORCID iD in order to publish a preprint. |
Withdrawal Authorisation: | Platform. At author's request with moderator approval |
Withdrawal Policy: | Yes. Journal Publishers' rules. Legal requirements and proven violations |