Biology / Life sciences

Repositories supporting this discipline

Name Status Description
biohackrxiv Open Preprints for BioHackathons
bioRxiv Open bioRxiv (pronounced "bio-archive") is a free online archive and distribution service for unpublished preprints in the life sciences.
Cell Press Sneak peek Open Manuscript under review in Cell Press journals
ChinaXiv Open ChinaXiv is an open repository and distribution service for scientific researchers in the field of natural science, which accepts scholarly preprints and conditionally accepts published articles.
MitoFit Preprints Archive Open The Open Access preprint server for mitochondrial physiology and bioenergetics
Nature Precedings Closed to Submission Only Nature Precedings functioned as a permanent, citable archive for pre-publication research and preliminary findings. It was a place for researchers to share documents, including presentations, posters, white papers, technical papers, supplementary findings, and non-peer-reviewed manuscripts.
NutriXiv Closed to Submission Only A preprint service for the nutritional sciences.
PaleorXiv Open A preprint archive for Paleontology
PeerJ Preprints Closed to Submission Only Initially, developed as preprint server for PeerJ submissions